Hashtag #

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  • #11561
    Melissa Klepper

    I am in need of some advice from an expert. I have run across something that is not defined in the code... To put it simply, a hash tag is a way for people to search for tweets. (I think it started on Twitter) The # symbol (hashtag) turns a word(s) immediately following it into searchable terms on websites & social networks, activated by clicking on it. So, would I transcribe these words/phrases according to CBC?

    Here is an example from a text I am currently transcribing:

    1. Visitors are encouraged to share their own selfies on Instagram and Vine using the hashtag #NationalSelfiePortraitGallery.


    Use CBC for this because these are the keystrokes that would be used. Begin CBC at the hashtag and end it BEFORE the period. Technically CBC is in Math territory, so I will ask the Math expert to confirm this.



    Here I am again. The math expert confirms this answer.



    Thanks for your help!!! and super-lightning fast response!

    Melissa Klepper



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