How do you do a table with no column headings/ row headings only?

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook How do you do a table with no column headings/ row headings only?

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  • #38583
    Cheri A. Wales

    Hello.  How do you format a table that has no column headings (what would to me normally be the column heading row consists of data- see attached)?  Do I switch the table around so the x, y1, and y2 are column headings and then have 2 columns of blanks or leave it as is? I've tried Braille Formats 2016, NFB Nemeth lesson on Tables, and searching here for the answer and if it's there I'm not finding it.  Thank you.

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    Just braille them as related columns (which follow the same rules as tables for the most part). Put 2 spaces between the columns.


    Cheri A. Wales

    Thank you.

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