knit and crochet guidelines and UEB

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    Hi Cindi,
    I have a crochet pattern and I am trying to follow the new Guidelines for Transcribing Knit and Crochet Patterns which say we are to use all contractions within a pattern. There is an example of st. and st both using the "st" contraction. I have the following line:

    SIZE: Finished Circumference About 21 in. (53.5 cm)

    In this case, UEB says you cannot use the "in" contraction because there is not an upper dot in the sequence. Which guidelines (UEB or Knit and Crochet Patterns) would be followed here?



    You should not use the contraction for 'in' in in. I believe that guideline about contractions is specific to abbreviations that relate to knit or crochet stitches.


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