Large Box and Whisker

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Large Box and Whisker

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  • #10520
    Chris Clemens

    I have never had to do such a large plot as this one. I am wondering what my options are for making it fit?

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    Chris Clemens

    I've been watching this post and since Dorothy hasn't responded yet decided to give you an option as described in the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics. It would recommend that you rotate this box-and-whisker. Please see attached for a similar example.
    Hope you find this helpful.
    Tactile Graphics chair

    Chris Clemens

    Thank you Betty. I can see that it would be easier to read done vertically--thank you for the wonderful example. Still, I am having a problem making it fit either horizontally or vertically. I have left off the parts of the line that are not being used, (before 15 and after 85) So the data range is between 15 and 85. There are 4 tick marks between each number on the line--several of the points are on those marks so they have to be there. It will fit on the page, if I hand draw it, but only if there is a little less than 1/8 inch between each mark. (I'm thinking that is too close).
    edited by nbuston on 12/9/2010

    Chris Clemens

    You are correct that the tick marks really should be 1/8" apart. Do the related questions ask the student to identify a specific point on the plot? I would be inclined to show only the ticks in increments of 5. I usually import the .jpeg into my graphics program and trace, so the placement would be the same as in print, and the student could still roughly calculate the position of the points. I think this option is still far better than trying to split the number line. Another alternative would be to keep the horizontal position and create a fold-out page.

    Chris Clemens

    The student needs to identify specific points to answer the questions. I was thinking of the fold-out option too. Thank you for all of your help Betty. I am so glad that this resource is here.

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