List divided between pages

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  • #42438
    Martin Kuemerle

    For some time this question has has concerned me and others about dividing lists between pages. B.F. 8.3.5a A list may be divided between pages, if necessary. Which means if it will fit on a page it should be correct? What if a bulleted list is labeled Step 1, Step 2 etc...? Are these considered separate bulleted lists or one continuous list and should not have any space between Step 1, Step 2 etc...?  If one consecutive list than Step 1 format 1-7, 3-7. 5-7 stays in effect for Step 2? If separate than Step 2 should be formatted as 1-5, 3-5?

    THX Martin

    Martin Kuemerle

    sorry here is zip file

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    Step 1, Step 2 is one list (unless they are separated by explanatory paragraphs). In the file you sent me, the entire thing should be 1-7, 3-7, 5-7. There is a "Rulings by Committee" document coming soon to BANA (it's approved, but not yet posted) that states the following:

    • A heading must be followed by at least one complete list item (which may be more than one braille line) before the list is continued on a new braille page.
    • 8.4.1c which says "Keep a columned list on a single page when possible" refers to multi-columned lists – not a single list. As per 8.3.5, a list may be divided between braille pages.
    • Keep a multi-columned list on a single page when possible.

    The hope is that this clarification will help make the list guidelines easier to understand and follow.

    I do have a question - what is the symbol that uses dots 5, 146? If you are intending for that to be a checkmark (which is what I suspect), the UEB checkmark is dots 4, 146. It's an update that was made in April 2018 and can be found on the ICEB website at


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