Listing the Transcriber-Defined Typeforms on the Special Symbols Page

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  • #33363

    LOL, it's me again.

    How do I list Transcriber-Defined Symbols on the Special Symbol List if it's the same symbol but different colors? I'm looking at Section 13.7, page 13-9 in the Manual but I can't find how to list it.

    Example:  Different colored bullets. Same symbol, different color. The bullets remain the same shape.

    Is this correct?   First Tran. Defined Shape Indicator    B (for bullet)   G (for green)

    Can I continue to use the First Trans. Defined Shape Indicator for each bullet because the symbol is the same?

    If yes, when I list these on the Special Symbols list, do I list the First Transcriber-Defined Symbol with each color below according to dot order?

    Exp.       1st Trans. Defined Shape Ind. B (for bullet)  G (for green)


    Thank you,

    Candace Richardson







    First of all, I'm assuming the color has meaning.  If not, just use the bullet symbol and ignore the color.  The margins (if the bullets represent different levels of subentries) will distinguish them fine.
    Since the bullet is a symbol - I would suggest that a transcriber-defined symbol be used.  You really can't use typeform indicators and you can't combine the bullet symbol with something else.  You could use the transcriber defined shape indicator (dot 4, ed and then gr for green).  That would at least keep the colored bullets all the same basic symbol.

    And then do I list them separately on the Special Symbols page  or as all one symbol with the colors listed below the first symbol? in dot order?


    You would list each symbol separately and in braille order.

    __ blue bullet

    __ green bullet

    (put the dot configurations in the __ above).


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