manual and format rules contradiction

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook manual and format rules contradiction

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    The 2016 Format guidelines  on page 1-8; Example 1-6; tell us to use   TN/The End/TN.

    Page 19-20 section 19.4c  in our UEB Instruction Manual tells us  "In the final volume, use only the words THE END".

    Do we use the TN?  Which do we use ... single caps or double caps?  Several students are working on their manuscripts and this question of inconsistency has come up.  Thank-you. Dottie


    I apologize for the delay in responding to this, I was trying to get a definitive answer from those involved in the certification process.  After checking around some, I've been told that if you follow Formats 2016 (and put that in your letter that goes with the manuscript), you would be fine.  Braille Formats 2016 says to use

    The End

    enclosed in TN indicators (so initial cap, not full caps).


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