Multiple contents pages

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  • #42394
    Martin Kuemerle

    I have a grade 8 Language Arts book with 6 units. Should the TOC be handled as suggested in B.F. 2.10.1 as a Brief TOC (page iii) then add the portion that pertains to volume (page xii). At the beginning of each unit is the TOC for the unit should I start a new volume at the start of each unit to accommodate the new TOC section or something else entirely?

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    Yes. The material on print page iii (The Units list) is a contents in brief. That should be in volume 1 in its entirety. Then you also would include the part of the full contents that actually occurs in volume ... likely not the whole first unit 🙂

    The repeated contents should just occur in braille where they occur in print (BF 2.10.14). So say that Unit 1 ends on braille page 45 of braille volume 4. Start Unit 2 on a new braille page and begin with the contents as shown in print. I would say that you should then start the actual text of Unit 2 on a new braille page as well just to separate the different types of formatting as the contents entries will have line numbers and the text will not...but there isn't a rule about that 🙂


    Martin Kuemerle

    Sounds good thank you for your time!


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