In the UEB Guildelines for Technical Materials, on page 48, fifth from the bottom of the page, there is a "not" sign shown.
In the APH UEB Math Tutorial, Lesson 10.3, Examples 1 and 2 specifically display the difference between the "not" sign and the single tilde line, as they pertain to transcription of material.
I have been unable to find in my Nemeth reference material a translation for the print "not" sign.
Throughout the APH Nemeth Tutorial, there are occasions where the print "not" sign is shown in either examples or exercises. The single tilde (4, 156) is how both of these print symbols are translated in the simbraille display. I am trying to determine if this is an error, or not.
Is there a "not" sign equivalent to the print in Nemeth, and if so, where can I find it in Green Nemeth Braille Code Manual or Yellow Nemeth Manual?
Would appreciate any guidance everyone can share.