Numbered Instructions

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  • #38629
    Gillian Addison

    I'm doing a speller and the instructions for some of the exercises are formatted as follows:

    {Arrow} 1. Complete each sentence ...

    2. Write the derived word ...

    3. Underline the stressed syllable ...

    Then, underneath, the sentences, also numbered, to be completed. BF 10.3.3 says do this as a nested list with the other paragraphs of the instructions 2 cells to the right. Since the 3-part instructions are numbered and of equal rank, my thoughts are to have the instructions in 1/3, blank line, then sentences in 1/3. BF doesn't take into account multiple-step instructions.


    You are correct that BF doesn't address multi-step numbered directions. You will have to choose what works best and then be consistent. You suggestion would work.


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