Numeric Indicator on a number line

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  • #38738
    Melissa Caldwell

    I am doing a third grade math student book. I am using the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille. The example it shows is using numeric indicators on the number line. Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics 2010 shows that you do not use the numeric indicators on number lines. I am doing the number line as a tactile graphic which both say to do for kindergarten through 3rd grade. I think that the number line should be done without the numeric indicators. Which way is correct for 3rd grade?


    Melissa Caldwell

    I found a print copy of the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille that shows the same example without numeric indicators. I guess the bookmark to the online copy I was looking at must be outdated. I found my own answer. I do not use the numeric indicators.





    Currently, there are two separate examples of number lines in the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille.

    On print page 46, there is a sample transcription of a number line for a UEB Math/Science transcription; that number line DOES have numeric indicators.

    On print page 80, there is a sample transcription of a number line for a UEB with Nemeth transcription; that number line does NOT include any numeric indicators.

    In general, as Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics (GSTG) tells us, the numeric indicator should be omitted when depicting number lines (especially below the number line).

    Based on my understanding of coming updates to the GSTG, I think you are fine to not use the numeric indicators. Please let me suggest that 1)  you do not use a numeric passage around any number line and 2) you do explain on the Transcriber's Notes page that labels below number lines are transcribed without numeric indicators.


    Melissa Caldwell


    Thank you for your response and clarification. I did see the two separate examples and looked in Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics. In the end I decided to not use numeric indicators so your answer made me feel better about my decision. I liked your suggestions and I did add a transcriber's note.

    Thank you!


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