Open Nemeth indicator at end of centered heading?

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Open Nemeth indicator at end of centered heading?

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  • #31040
    Shelley Mack

    If a math worksheet is simply a centered heading, perhaps Multiplication Review, and an entire page of spatial problems with no directions or text, is it possible to put the Open Nemeth Indicator at the end of the centered heading and save two lines instead of putting it at the left margin with blank lines above and below? Thanks!


    By convention and preference, I would not put an opening Nemeth Code indicator at the end of a centered heading.

    Still, technically, I think it would not be prohibited by the Guidance for Transcription Using Nemeth Code Within UEB Contexts to do as you suggest with a one-line centered heading.

    Thank you for the question. Please let me know if you have follow-up questions or concerns.


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