Placement of Caps Passage Indicators?

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Placement of Caps Passage Indicators?

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  • #35935

    I am working on a book with a title page that has both the author and editor listed, along with the editor's affiliation. The editor's name and affiliation are fully capitalized; the name and affiliation are on two separate lines in both the print and the version I'm transcribing.



    Do I treat each line as its own capitalized passage? Or should I treat the name and affiliation as a unit and place the caps passage indicator before June and the caps passage terminator after Hawaii?



    This question is better suited to the UEB literary forum - I've asked that "expert" to answer it and they will do so as quickly as possible - stay tuned!


    Dan Gergen

    Hello Dani,

    Could you reply and tell us whether this two-line (tbd) capitalized passage is being transcribed on the braille title page? If so, is the author's name also being placed on the title page? Or is this a centered heading?

    This seems to be an overlapping UEB Literary and Braille Formats issue. Both committees are discussing this and will have an answer shortly.

    —Dan Gergen, Chair, UEB Literary Committee



    Hi, Dan.
    Yes, this is on the title page. The author's name is above the editor's.


    Dan Gergen

    Thank you, Dani,

    You should be aware that Braille Formats rules for the Author's Segment on the braille title page are in §2.3.5. Please scroll down to §2.3.5(f) where it reads, "The editor's name is used only when the authors are not listed." If an author's name is shown in print, you should list it. Then you do not need to list the editor on the braille title page.

    For future reference for example, if your print version did not have the author's name, only then would you list the editor. In your example, the name and affiliation of the editor seems to be on two lines for visual balance on the book's title page. However, it would be treated as one unit and listed on one line as a capitalized passage, with the capitals passage indicator preceding JUNE and the capitals terminator following HAWAII as you mentioned. Following print capitalization is found in BF §2.3.5(b).

    I hope this provides some guidance. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Dan Gergen


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