Poetry containing stress, scansion, or meter marks

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  • #30060

    Hello Cindi,

    BF 13.9.3d and 13.9.4e contradict each other regarding which grade of braille should be used when transcribing the second version of a poem that contains stress, scansion, or meter marks:

    13.9.3d  Transcribe the second version in uncontracted braille. Show all typeform, scansion, stress, and meter symbols.

    13.9.4e  Contractions are not used in the second writing when some words are syllabified, and metered lines show only foot and/or caesura symbols. Contractions are used in the second writing when all words are not syllabified, and metered lines show only foot and/or caesura symbols.

    Any clarification you can provide is much appreciated. Thanks!



    I can see where that is confusing.

    If a poem has ONLY foot symbols but no syllable breaks or accent marks, the second writing may be contracted.  If there are syllable breaks or accent marks, the second writing should NOT be contracted...regardless of what else is shown in the poem.

    I will add this to my list for clarification.  Thanks for writing!


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