Polish braille

Home Forums Foreign Language Polish braille

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by ftb.
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  • #27574

    I have recently been asked to proof Polish braille labels on medicine bottle!

    Print: 100 mg

    In braille, there is a cell before mg with dots 12456, unspaced, so number sign one zero zero dots 12456 mg  (100]mg)

    Should there be a space between the number 100 and the dots 12456? I have looked at various resources on line and find no answer.



    World Braille Usage, Third Edition found on the Perkins internet site has some leads. I searched online with the information given under the heading Mathematics and Science Notation in the Poland section.

    http://chezdom.net/mathematicalbraillecodes/ indicates that Poland uses Marburg.

    http://www.pharmabraille.com/support/how-to-use-your-pharmabraille-braille-font-set/ has a Help and Support section where you can Ask a Pharmaceutical Braille Font Question.

    I got there by searching for Marburg Braille. You'll find other sites if the above doesn't give you what you're looking for.

    Start here and let me know if you need further help.

    Carol Greer

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