Print directions vs braille directions

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    Taylor Goldhardt

    In BF, it says to put directions in cell 5 when it refers to specific question/answer type activities, like multiple choice and true/false. It then says to use paragraph format for non-specific activities like "go for a walk and count the trees you see." But what about specific questions with a specific answer that are NOT in multiple choice or true-false format? My gut says those directions should be in cell 5, but Formats seems to say that they should be in paragraph -- after all, there are no answer choices shown in print. I'm attaching a couple examples from my current project. (Note: in print, everything that I interpret at 5-5 directions is shown in bold, which is the same for almost every textbook I've ever done.)

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    Your gut is correct. In formation, directions are telling the student to do something with the material that follows. These should be blocked in cell 5. The paragraph "directions" are something like "Look around your classroom and find five things that start with the letter D". This statement is then followed by a heading or something completely new and unrelated.

    As a you are doing a math book (which this looks like) even if it is in UEB, BANA recommends following the Nemeth format the first example (with the dollar signs) is a directive sentence and the 2nd example is direction which would be in 5-3.


    Taylor Goldhardt

    I have never heard that suggestion before (to follow Nemeth rules when the book is in UEB). I would think that if a book is requested in UEB Math/Science, then we should proceed under the premise that the student is not familiar with Nemeth. Therefore, we should follow the rules that the student HAS seen in other sources - namely, the formats that are used in all their other textbooks. Also, isn't one major point of UEB that everything follows the same rules as much as possible, and that we don't need to learn multiple codes (and sets of rules) for a single book?


    There's a BANA document about transcribing math books in UEB (it's not my suggestion to do this!).  The document can be found here:



    I'm told the link isn't working for everyone...although it works for me 🙂

    Go to the BANA website and search for a document called Provisional Guidance on Transcribing
    Mathematics in UEB.


    Taylor Goldhardt

    The document I pulled up (approved May 2019) says (on page 3):

    For directions preceding itemized materials, use margins 5-5. If there are additional paragraphs, use margins 7-5. For directive sentences that precede material that is not itemized use margins 3-1.



    You are correct - though I am disappointed to see this!  I am working from an older document. I am going to research this more and if I find any more information I will let you know.

    Thanks for point it out to me!


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