Publisher\'s City, State on Braille Title Page

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    In Print: The Title Page indicates the Publisher's name and its City only.  However, the Print Copyright Page has the Publisher's name as well as its City and State.

    My question is:  When preparing the Braille Title Page is only the City used (as found on the Print Title Page) or are both the City and State used (as found on the Print Copyright Page)?

    The resources I have found are a bit confusing.  Manual 19.2a(1) states: that both the Print Title Page and the Copyright Page are used to glean information for the Braille Title Pages.                                Manual 19.2a(1)[c] states:  Braille the words Published by followed by the name of the publisher.  On the next line, braille the first or principal City listed, along with the State if one is given in print.    (It doesn't show which specific page, in print, is to be used for this information.)                                                     Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription 2016 Section 2.3.2 clearly states: 'The print title page is the preferred source for the braille title page information.'                                    Braille Formats Section 2.3.6 b Publisher's City and State/Province state: Many books list a group of publishing Cities, and sometimes a State/Province.  Include the first City on the title page.  The State/Province is included only if one appears in print.  Follow print if the State/Province is spelled out or if the postal code (State) Province abbreviation is used.

    In the above statement 'Include the first city on the title page ...'  -  Does this mean the first City listed on the Print Title Page (without the state) or does this mean On the Braille Title Page use first City (and State as it is found on the Print Copyright Page)?

    This has caused some confusion and concern, especially for those who are preparing their manuscripts for certification as an error on their manuscript is costly.

    I hope this is clear.

    Thank you for your assistance in clearing this up for us.

    Mary Hubbard



    The correct wording from above is

    both the Print Title Page and the Copyright Page are used to glean information for the Braille Title Pages.

    Use the most complete information you can find from the book...get the information from either the print title page or the Copyright page...or sometimes from the front/back covers! 🙂



    Thanks, Cindi.  I'll share this with our group.


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