READ: Forum Rules

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  • #31264
    Chris Clemens

    Please note that users of the Ask An Expert forum are expected to adhere to the following guidelines of use.

    • Posting and replying to the forum is a benefit of being a current NBA member. Do not use your member account to post questions for non-members. If a non-member has a question, they are always free to email our offices and receive technical support.
    • Do not post questions directly pertaining to content found on any certification exam. Any questions that are recognized to be concerning a question on an exam will go unanswered and will be removed. Any user account with repeated attempts to post questions seeking help on exam answers will be shared with the organization administering the exam.
    • While we recognize that NBA members are some of the most informed transcribers in the country, please allow technical responses to be provided by the moderator of the forum.
    • No swearing, profanity, bullying, insulting, or overall generally combative language.
    • The forums are divided by discipline. Please post questions in the appropriate forum pertaining to the topic. Moderators reserve the right to move a question if it is better suited for another forum topic.

    Updated: June 1, 2018

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