Reference numbers in exercise material

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    I've looked in Braille Formats but have had no luck finding guidance on the best placement for the number/letter references in the right margin of the exercise material I'm transcribing (attached). Any suggestions?



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    I think it depends a bit on what the letter/number references mean.  You could consider it a cross reference but I think it would get lost. My suggestion (and it is JUST a suggestion) is to place it following the exercise number and enclose it in parentheses. You would have to do a transcriber's note regarding this change to print. Something like "References that follow exercise questions in print are enclosed in parentheses and placed after the exercise number in braille."  Whatever you decide to do with these, just be consistent 🙂



    I like your suggestion. 🙂 I agree that as a cross reference it would get lost.




    Debbie Winsett

    I have looked through all of the comments and I am not quite finding anything related to my question concerning reference numbers.

    I have looked through several of my reference books and googled superscript reference numbers before words and I can't seem to find what I am searching for.

    I am transcribing a lesson that it is using superscript numbers immediately preceding words at the beginning of sentences. The sentences are in a paragraph. The purpose of these numbers refer to what number the sentence is in the paragraph in order for the student to answer questions to follow.

    I know how to do a superscript number before a word but I am unclear as to whether I need to include a space between the number and the word or place them right up next to each other as shown in print. In print there is no space between the raised number and the first word of the sentence.

    However if I put the number right up next to the word it is changing the word as shown in my examples below.

    Example a raised #2 preceding the word "It"is changing "It" to appear to be the letter "X"

    Example a raised #3 preceding the word"Not" is changing the word "Not" to appear to be the letter "N"

    Thank you so much for your assistance.


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