Reproduction Notice

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  • #11158

    I asked this question in the Literary section of this forum, but now that I know Formats 2011 covers the transcriptions of novels I would like to ask here too. When a novel is transcribed by someone not affiliated with an "authorized entity," but has received permission from a publisher to reproduce [u]one[/u] copy of a book in braille, would the reproduction notice be included on the title page? I will include "With permission of the publisher," but I'm concerned that adding the reproduction notice does not comply with the wishes of the publisher. "Further reproduction or distribution in other than a specialized format is prohibited" seems to imply that another copy could be produced if it were in a specialized format, however, the publisher was very specific that they were giving permission for only the one copy. (I wish the reproduction notice had included the term "authorized entity" in the actual notice, and not just in the law.)


    See Section 2.3.6 Pubslier and Copyright segment. Use ONLY the "With permission of the publisher" statement. Do NOT use the repdouction statement. The reproduction statement is used for eligible materials (not dramatic works, etc) as defined by the law, and transcribed by the authorized entity. Your situation is covered by the first statement, With permission of ...

    It is not necessary for the reproduction notice to mention the authorized entity because that is the only entity using this provision. To repeat, in your case, do not use this statement.

    In both cases, the number of copies is not relevant and therefore not mentioned. The point is, you have specific permission to create a braille edition of your book from the publisher. That's all you need in order to proceed.



    Awesome. Now I get it! Thank you for clearing that up for me.


    That's why we're here! And thank you for that interesting question. In researching it, I have learned about that topic than I ever thought possible.


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