Runover position for commentary

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Runover position for commentary

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    A couple questions.

    1. The first block below is from AN INTRODUCTION TO BRAILLE MATHEMATICS USING UEB WITH NEMETH (Lesson 16). Can you tell me where the references inside the square brackets can be found?
    2.  The second block is from Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts, Revised April 2018, page 18. It states the preferred method is for the comments to be treated as part of the line of the equation. The Nemeth Course only appears to mention the blocked 4 cell runover position for commentary. Also, although the text in the Nemeth Course mentions commentary appearing "alternated" with math problems, the rest of the text and the example shows the comments following on the same line, rather than alternated. Can you give some clarification? I understand that whatever I choose to do, I should be consistent, but I would like to format in a way that is preferred. When commentary appears to the side of equations, is the blocked 4 cell runover now preferred?



    [NC 4.8.9 and 26.4.5]
    16.11 Format for Instructional Commentary
    When instructional commentary appears alternated with math problems, place the comment on the line following the related expression, blocked 4 cells to the right of the runover position for the expression. Explain this format in a transcriber's note.


    6. It is preferred that authors’ comments following mathematical equations be treated as part of the line of the equation, with runovers in the appropriate location for the expression. Alternatively, authors’ comments may be blocked four cells to the right of the runover of the expression. The comments should be formatted in a consistent manner within a transcription.



    The [NC 4.8.9 and 26.4.5] are reference to the Nemeth Code Book (which has not yet been published and is not available to the "public" yet).

    Yes, the preferred method (after much discussion) for author's comments is that they are blocked four cells to the right of the runover position of the material to which they apply.



    I should have also said that Lindy is on vacation this month so I am answering these for her 🙂

    Cindi Laurent

    Chair, NBA Nemeth Committee


    Thank you, Cindi. I was so confused trying to look up those references!

    I appreciate the clarity on the author's comments. That helps a lot. 🙂


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