Science Abbreviation

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  • #10765
    Chris Clemens

    When transcribing Science books there seem to be a lot of abbreviations.

    Example: F (with a 1 in the subscript position) generation

    Meaning: first filial generation

    Does this need to be brailled as a mathematical term? Or do I braille it as an abbreviation?

    According to Rule VIII §51 the presence of the superscript indicator has no effect upon the decision that the ELI must be used. So, since there is no subscript indicator required for the subscript do I use the letter indicator with the F or not ?

    Is there some general rule I can apply to Science terms that use abbreviation?

    Thank You.

    Chris Clemens

    I am seeking further counsel on this question, to see whether the rest of the committee would consider the F to be a letter or an abbreviation. Please check back again for an answer.



    I have received varied responces from the committee on this topic. It comes down to whether or not you consider the F to be a letter or an abbreviation. Most of the committee have agreed that they have usually seems this transcribed without the letter indicator or the supscript level indicator. Hopefully this will be clarified in future Nemeth upodates.

    edited by betty.marshall on 6/29/2011


    Thank you very much for your help.

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