score with voices and instruments

Home Forums Music Braille score with voices and instruments

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  • #10227
    Chris Clemens


    Working on a book about Mozart, I believe I must use a hybrid format for musical examples containing both voices and instruments. I've tentatively settled on word line(s) first, followed by voice music lines and then instrumental music lines. All music lines are indented to cell 3, with the voice abbreviations treated the same as the instrumental abbreviations for alignment (which also means voice abbrev. are repeated in each parallel. Keyboard reductions are pr. and pl., and all intervals are read upward. Because of the indent pattern, which is dictated by the need for word lines, I am not inserting the blank lines which are required in instrumental scores.

    I've attached a sample of an excerpt. Does this seem to be a good way to combine the choral and instrumental score formats? I'm sure that others have had to transcribe this type of material before, but I haven't found anything to suggest there is a normal way to format combined scores. Any suggestions?


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    Chris Clemens

    Please forgive any errors, such as missing word sign. This was sent hastily.

    Chris Clemens

    You are right, Dan. There is no standard layout. What you are doing is exactly what I have done a couple of times.

    Cheers to you.

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