Shakespeare Lined Prose

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  • #39967
    Rebecca Blevins

    Hello, I have a copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I am working on.

    I am running into a snag with the prose section of the script where it is not obvious where the line breaks are due to the way that it was formatted. I can try to find to original copy that this was taken out of, but I do not know if there would be a better way to figure it out. If you have any thoughts on this, it would be very much appreciated.

    I have attached examples of the verse, and the versa page for the source material.

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    Wow - those are really messed up! I would be interested to know how you handled this! I would say that a TN would be required that the numbered lines cannot always be determined and you did the best you could to reproduce them as required.


    PS - sorry for not responding quicker, our system glitched and I just saw all these old posts pop up!

    Rebecca Blevins

    Hi Cindi, thanks for getting back to me. We ended up making an agency decision to follow print for the numbering since using two different scans would make proofing difficult and included a transcribers note saying as much.

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