Shapes used on a sample ballot

Home Forums Unified English Braille Literary Shapes used on a sample ballot


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  • #37838

    What is the oval shape used on a sample ballot in literary braille?  Could it be the shape indicator and the letter o?  If there is not one, is a blank line used with a transcriber's note?

    Dan Gergen

    The UEB Literary Committee agrees that you should use a transcriber-defined shape indicator followed unspaced by the letter “o” or, as suggested in UEB, use a word or initials, such as “os” meaning “oval shape” or something similar. (UEB §11.7.2)


    Also, if a filled oval appears in a sample ballot, a committee member mentioned that you’d then be able to use the filled shape indicator. (GTM §14.2)


    We hope this provides some direction.

    Dan Gergen


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