side-by-side text/even and odd print age numbers

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  • #30709
    Sharon Van Hook

    I am transcribing a book that consists of a Preliminary Volume (the front matter and table of contents), Supplements (material in the back of the book), and the middle of the book which is side-by-side text that consists of odd paged text and coinciding even paged notes. Since the even and odd pages need to be read together what would be the preferred method of naming those volumes? Should the volume numbers coincide or should they simply be named v1, v2, etc.?

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    Are you doing the notes as separate volumes?  I would have said that the two pages should be transcribed as combined pages (page 76-77, page a76-77, and so on) with the footnotes being at the end of the "set" of pages.


    Sharon Van Hook

    Yes I was going to split the uneven numbered text from the even numbered notes and do them each in separate volumes. My thoughts are if I combined the page of text with the page of notes it would create too large an interruption in text where the student might become lost between breaks in sentences/paragraphs etc. or the student would have difficulty with the flow of the story if choosing not to read the notes (on the even numbered pages).


    With the footnote separation line and page numbers, the student could skip over the footnotes if they wanted.

    If you split them, how will the student know which volume has the appropriate note in it?  You would have to have very specific TN's on the TN pages.  My recommendation would be to braille all of the text in volumes 1-15 (say) and then the notes in 16-30 (or whatever) and then include TN's in the text volumes letting them know which volume(s) have the appropriate notes.

    I have done a book very similar to what you have there (it was Hamlet I think) and we did combined pages.



    With the footnote separation line and page numbers, the student could skip over the footnotes if they wanted.

    If you split them, how will the student know which volume has the appropriate note in it?  You would have to have very specific TN's on the TN pages.  My recommendation would be to braille all of the text in volumes 1-15 (say) and then the notes in 16-30 (or whatever) and then include TN's in the text volumes letting them know which volume(s) have the appropriate notes.

    I have done a book very similar to what you have there (it was Hamlet I think) and we did combined pages.


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