Single Letter Keys

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    Lucas Timpe

    I know that GSTG says single letter keys are not recommended. If a single letter key is used though it says that it must be followed by a period. The question is that if a 'b', for instance, is followed by a period as a single letter key, would a letter indicator also be required? Would it not be acceptable to just use the letter indicator followed by a 'b' without the period?

    Which one is appropriate for a single letter key?

    I have a couple of examples shown below.


    Let us know your thoughts when you have time please.

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    Donald Winiecki

    Hi Lucas!

    GSTG 2022 adds some information to

    "Single-letter keys are not recommended, but if used, they must be followed by a period. Do not use the grade 1 symbol indicator before a two-cell alphabetic key, even when the letter combination corresponds to a braille shortform."

    No grade 1 indicator before a two-letter key, even if the key corresponds to a shortform word.

    This points to your choice #1 is the right option. Use the single-letter key followed by a period and do not include the grade 1 indicator.

    Hope this helps!

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