skeleton and partially filled in tables

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  • #11309
    Chris Clemens

    Rule 11.9.1 a states "Use normal table format and indicated the empty column entries with a dash (36,36)."
    Rule 11.9.1 d states "Note Dot 5's are not used in blank cells because answers are required."
    Sample 11-17 and Sample 11-18 use the dash followed by dot 5's. If the samples are correct, can you clarify what rule 11.9.1 d means?
    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

    Chris Clemens

    11.9.1d is to be used when there is a specified number of rows and columns. When there are not specific number, for example the question might say list 5 items in the table, then it is up to the transcriber to decide how many rows to show or to simply put in a transcriber's note saying that in print there are x number of rows.

    In Sample 11-17 the directions to not say how many of the rows are to be used, it could be one or several, in Sample 11-18 it also does not say how many of the blank rows need to be used. The dash in both signifies possible answers.

    I hope this helps.

    Chris Clemens

    I understand the use of the dash. I'm questioning the use of the dot 5s. Both samples use the dash followed by the dot 5s. The Note states dot 5s are not used in blank cells, because answers are required. I was questioning if the dot 5s shouldn't be used at all or only after the dash.


    The dot 5s are guide dots to the next column.


    Perhaps the note should say guide dots should be used after the dash rather than saying dot 5s are not used.

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