spaces in expressions or equations

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    Chris Clemens

    How to braille the following line?

    binary 1011=1 eight + 0 fours + 1 two + 1 one
    ^ ? ^ ? ^ ? ^

    On second line,
    ^ means a space is inserted here (e.g. between 1 and eight)
    ? means "should a space inserted here?"

    I am unclear about when to insert a space. I saw examples:

    15 in + 25 in = 40 in, spaces are inserted before and after in
    forty-two + forty-two=eighty-four, no spaces are inserted.

    What is the general rule for inserting spaces?

    Chris Clemens

    One more question: is it correct that no contraction should be used in this case?

    Chris Clemens

    I'm not sure I'm understanding what your question is. I will attempt to answer it, and you let me know if I have missed the mark.

    [braille]#15 in +25 in .k #40 in
    abbreviations must be spaced away from the associated number and from operation signs. So there is a space on both sides of "in"

    no spaces need be inserted when words represent the values to be added/subtracted/etc.
    [braille]=ty-two+forty-two .k eighty-f\r
    In the example with a combination of numbers and words there should be a space between the number and the word that follows it, but no space between either the word or the digit which comes before or after the operation sign.

    [braille]bin>y #1011 .k #1 eight+0 fours+1 two+1 "o

    no contractions in words that touch operation signs or those that precede or follow a comparison sign
    edited by dworthing on 11/3/2009

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