Spanish Math book requiring Nemeth transcription

Home Forums Foreign Language Spanish Math book requiring Nemeth transcription

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    Nemeth Code provides specific symbols and guidelines for transcription of alphabets including English, German, Greek, Hebrew and Russian (Cyrillic). How is the Nemeth issue of a single, Spanish letter addressed in Spanish Nemeth text—for example: to distinguish letter ‘y’ from the Spanish word ‘y’? The Spanish math book, in this situation, is for a student who reads Spanish in a classroom that is conducted in Spanish, in the USA. I’m not sure if my question is more appropriate for Foreign Language, or Nemeth forum, so I am posting in both places. Thank you! Claire Egan


    I'm going to put the answer here that I put in the Nemeth forum as this question was asked in both places.

    As the literary text of a math book is done in UEB, you would follow UEB rules for the Foreign Language. If you happen to have the Spanish word "y" within the Nemeth, put a single-word switch indicator on it and treat it as you would if it were within the literary text (just as you would with the English word "and").

    Cindi Laurent


    Thank you, that makes sense and is easily accomplished. —Claire Egan



    I understand the use of a single-word switch indicator within a Spanish-Nemeth transcription, just as it is used in an English-Nemeth transcription. What happens in the following situation, when the Spanish letter is a letter and not a word? How do I indicate that the Spanish letters 'a' and 'd' are letters and not numerals, since there is no Spanish letter indicator in the Nemeth Code? (The font makes it seem that the number 5 is not on the same level as the surrounding text, but it is all on the same level--I want to be clear that my question has nothing to do with subscripts or superscripts.)

    Spanish text: "...en las preguntas 5a a 5d." (English translation: questions 5a to 5d.)

    Claire Egan

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