Symbol explanation

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  • #37740

    Hello again,

    I am formatting fractions again

    Example 1/4 = 4/?

    1/4 = ?/12

    I am looking at an example in the presentation of UEB Technical Higher Learning Math (2019 NBA Conference) and they put a dot 46 before the 34 (fraction line). Is this correct?  I cannot find an example in the Guidelines.






    So I went to UEB Online and downloaded the pdf's for math. Please take a look at #6 on the attached page 57. I have also included my braille to see if I am on the right track.

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    Yes, you are correctly using the general fraction indicators with the general fraction line in a fraction that includes something other than digits, decimal points, commas or separator spaces. In Guidelines for Technical Material part 6.4, general fractions are discussed, and examples are given.

    So, while ¼ would be transcribed: #a/d
    A fraction like "question mark over 4" is not a simple numeric fraction and so is transcribed using the general fraction indicators and general fraction line:


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