Table on facing pages: guide dots after runover

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  • #42907
    Dragica Miletic


    I cannot find in the 2016 Formats, 11.13, what to do with guide dots in the last column on the left-hand side page if a table entry is in runover. Should I place the guide dots following the table entry (the runover line), they will lead to a blank line on the facing page. So I am a bit puzzled, where to place the guide dots (the first line or runover line) or whether to place them at all in such a case?

    A sample file (words replaced with full cells) attached for better presentation of the problem.

    Thank you,


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    I don't think I've ever seen this situation! Per 11.6.1g, no guide dots are required for the row with the runover.

    It actually seems wrong to put guide dots in the middle of an entry ... but I understand you are "leading" the reader to the next column. You might consider keying that one column entry so that it can stay on one braille line. For the facing tables format, putting guide dots within an entry may cause the reader some confusion. Another option would be to include a transcriber's note about what you've done. Something like: When a table entry has a runover, guide dots are inserted within the entry to lead the reader to the next column.


    Dragica Miletic

    Thank you so much Cindi!

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