Title page format: Formats & Instruction Manual

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Title page format: Formats & Instruction Manual

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  • #14849
    Ed Godfrey

    Models for braille title pages appear in Lesson 19 of the NLS Instruction Manual (6th Ed. & 2015 Ed., both p. 19-7). The two model title pages present title page information as mix of "nested list" format and 1-3 format. The models do not match the 1-3 format given in BF 2011, p. 2-34, Sample 2-9: U.S. Title Page.

    Which format should we use, and teach?



    Hi Ed, Use the model(s) in BF, because that is the actual guidelines source.



    Hi Joanna,

    On the title page (in UEB)I am including print pages included in the volume. If they include

    pages G-1 through G-12 (which is the glossary), How do I braille this?  G-1-G-2 looks like it is

    G-1 and G-12 instead of G-1 through G-12.

    • Jill

    According to 1.12.1c and example 1-16 of Braille Formats, we are to omit the hyphen between the letter and the number in G-1.  So your braille pages should be G1-G12.  If you had braille pages x-xiii you would use a hyphen and it would represent pages x through xiii, not x and xiii.  The concept there is the same.





    According to 1.12.1c and example 1-16 of Braille Formats, we are to omit the hyphen between the letter and the number in G-1.  So your braille pages should be G1-G12.  If you had braille pages x-xiii you would use a hyphen and it would represent pages x through xiii, not x and xiii.  The concept there is the same.




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