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  • #42948
    Martin Kuemerle

    I have a TOC with boxed entries that are supposed to be compared to each other (see attachment). Can I box these with a "COMPARED" cell 7 heading before box even with the 6 cell right margin as I've never seen boxes in a TOC? I also thought of an Icon before the each compared entry such as "CP" (with TN explanation) but I also have an Icon for the video (right arrow) "VO" that is before "Media Connection". Two Icons in a row seems wrong? Any suggestions?

    Thank You!


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    That's so funny! I'm working on a different level of this series and I've got the same contents issue! I'm still playing with ideas for this. My current plan is to use an icon and handle it like the rules for colored boxes. Put the icon on the opening box line. Of course, a transcriber's note will need to explain what is happening. Here's my thought on the TN (still a work in progress): In the contents, there are items enclosed in boxes that are to be compared. In braille, the box is included with an icon (edco) on the opening box line. A space follows the icon.

    If you come up with a better plan, let me know 🙂


    Martin Kuemerle

    Do you end box lines at the 6 cell right margin it looks odd but you can't go full width right?


    Yes. the box lines must respect the right margin.


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