Transcriber-defined typeform for two-word phrase

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Transcriber-defined typeform for two-word phrase

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  • #29410
    Jo Ann Doerer


    During the July 7, 2017 Webinar on Emphasis, you gave an example of a transcriber-defined typeform indicator denoting an encircled two-word phrase.  If I understood correctly, you applied the typeform passage indicator and terminator, rather than two separate typeform word indicators, since the words were within the same circle.

    Would the same combination be applied to the case of a highlighted two-word phrase?  I am using a transcriber-defined typeform indicator for the highlighting.

    Jo Ann Doerer



    No - that exception to the passage rule ONLY applies to two words within one shape. For two highlighted words, you should use the transcriber-defined word indicator.

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