Transcriber’s note referencing identifier numbers

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Transcriber’s note referencing identifier numbers

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  • #40904
    Connie Stone


    In the following TN sample to be used on the Transcriber's Notes page:

    In the presentation of Graphing Calculator material, print type size variations and subscripts may not be shown. In braille all identifier numbers in items like L1, L2, …, Y1, Y2, …, Plot1, Plot2, …, etc., are shown as subscripts.

    I have seen the bold area above done sometimes in UEB and sometimes in Nemeth. Can you please tell me the correct code to use in this situation.

    Thank you,


    Lindy Walton

    Hi Connie. This is an interesting question because the transcriber's note is describing the print. I would still transcribe them in Nemeth, as they will be transcribed within the actual text.

    I think you added the bold to point out the focus of your question, but if you are retaining the bold you can refer to Sample 11 of Graphing Calculator Guidelines (page 46) which shows X3T and Y3T within the narrative, also in bold print. The simbraille is on page 47.


    Connie Stone

    Thank you Lindy.

    Yes I added the bold for the emphasis regarding the question.

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