UEB Transcriber

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    Does anyone know of any transcriber that is proficient in UEB?


    Many are working on being trained. I don't think there is a list anywhere of those who have gone through any of the materials available from different countries (Canada, Australia). I would hesitate to say anyone is completely proficient at it yet - though I know several who are very good at it. Even with working on training materials, I would not say I am proficient at working in it. I can do it, but it takes longer than if I work with EBAE as my base language. NLS is working (through NFB) on putting together training and certification materials. Stay tuned for more info!


    Cindi, I was wondering about the CNIB UEB Transcriber Test, is anyone familiar with it?


    What, exactly, would you like to know about the CNIB course/exam? The course is 11 exercises. Once the exercise are completed (through self-study) an exam can be requested from CNIB. They send the test out (with instructions) and, if it is successfully completed, a certificate is available. This is for those who already know braille and there is no cost. I have taken this course/exam.

    There is also a course/certification test for those who don't know braille yet. That course is a full course (about double the number of lessons) and costs $500. Once the course is completed, an exam can be requested and again, if successfully completed, a certifice is available.

    If I have not answered all your questions, post again!



    Thanks Cindi,

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