Words followed by a number, in EBAE Nemeth

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Words followed by a number, in EBAE Nemeth

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    I have looked everywhere for how to braille something such as Connected3 in an EBAE Nemeth transcription.  I would assume just the contracted word, number indicator, 3.  But it just doesn't look right.  Could you assist?  Thank you.


    Thank you for your question.

    In an EBAE-Nemeth environment, the correct transcription of "Connected3" is ⠠⠒⠝⠑⠉⠞⠫⠼⠒

    It is tempting to think that Nemeth Code §77 (about non-use of a subscript indicator when a numeric subscript follows a letter) applies to this example. However, since the word "Connected" is not "an abbreviated function name or a letter which has a separate identity",  NC§77 does not apply.

    Again, thank you for your question; it certainly struck sparks in my brain!




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