Our Website Refresh

If you’ve visited our website recently, you may have noticed some changes. We’ve been working behind the scenes for much of this year to implement some new functions to our website. We’ve been really excited to unveil them, but have been waiting for the right moment.

On August 12th, we officially launched those updates to our site!!!

Why The Changes

There were some issues with our previous system that many of you experienced directly. Some people experienced issues with membership renewal notices not arriving properly. We were not able to process donations on our website. Our friends and members in other countries couldn’t make transactions on our website.

We were using a system that allowed us to do more than we had in the past, but it still had limitations.

What’s New

You’ll notice that while we implemented the new membership system, we also refreshed the appearance a bit.

Most everything is in the same place as it was before. Though, we did move a couple things to make the experience of using the site a bit more intuitive.

  • Instead of all the membership benefits being listed on one long page that you’d have to scroll through, we shortened things up. Once you’re logged in and on the My Account page, you’ll find links to each of your member resources.
  • Instead of having to scroll through lines and lines of the ever-expanding list of webinar videos, we shortened this up, too. We’ve separated them into quick-access sections. You can expand and collapse each discipline area to view the list, or link to the archive itself.
  • In the online store, we’ve separate titles by publication type. Instead of having to go to a title and see if it’s available in print or not, now you can go to the print section of the store, and see a list of all those titles.
  • There is now a “Support” page under the “About” tab in the main menu. This page will allow all of our members and friends to find ways of supporting NBA. If you’re looking to make some type of charitable contribution, you can do it right online from anywhere.
  • Historically, if you made a charitable contribution to NBA in any way, we sent a typed letter through the mail. Now, you’ll be receiving those communications as an email. That means you’ll be getting the confirmation much faster and smoother, and it means NBA is saving valuable time and money.

As we move toward the future of embracing a digital age, we’ll continue to find ways to utilize web-based solutions for supporting transcribers and teachers of the visually impaired. We already have a few ideas on how this system can expand in the future to make your experience on our site even better.

How To Get Started

Many of you have already logged in and have been using the site. If you haven’t yet, and want to log in to your member account, you’ll just need to reset your password.

Passwords are always secure, so even NBA doesn’t know your password. That means, when we ported your profile and membership info over to the new software system, we weren’t able to bring your password with it. The good news is, all you have to do is reset it quickly, and you can even choose your old password if you want.

To reset your password and get logged in, just go to this page.