CorelDRAW with Mac

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    Christina Conroy

    Does anyone use CorelDRAW with Mac? Each time I try to open a braille template, Corel crashes. I am too new to Mac to really understand why this might be the case, or to have any idea how to go about fixing it.

    Thanks for any insight anyone can provide!


    Donald Winiecki

    Hi Christina!

    I think we can all relate to your experience here. In order to provide accurate information for you we would like to know more about your setup and the template you're trying to open.

    • What version of CorelDRAW are you using?
    • What version of the Macintosh OS are you using?
    • Is it possible that you could upload a copy of one of the templates that produces the crash in your CorelDRAW?

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Donald Winiecki

    Christina, we have done some researching to identify problems similar to what you are describing.

    Depending on the version of CorelDRAW, the Macintosh OS, and the age of your computer's hardware, the following may help you.

    1. In the menus, open "Tools > Options" and then select the "Global" options in the dialog box that appears. (Note: Depending on your version of CorelDRAW, the menus and dialog box options may be slightly different.)
    2. Uncheck the option "Enable Background Tasks."
    3. Restart your computer and try the same operations in CorelDRAW.

    Changing this setting can help because CorelDRAW makes high demands on your computer, and  this setting attempts to allow other operations to occur in the background on your computer. If available hardware is older, or hard-drive space, or RAM memory is low, your computer will appear to lock-up when trying to keep everything running and also opening templates, saving files, or other operations.

    Please report back to let us know if this helps for you. Please also reply with your version of CorelDRAW and Macintosh OS.

    Finally, please also review the following video to check if you have installed CorelDRAW fully on your Macintosh.

    Christina Conroy

    Thanks so much for your replies, Donald. I am using CorelDRAW 2021. I have a brand new MacBook Air that I bought about 2 weeks ago. It's got the new M1 chip, and apparently CorelDRAW 2021 was designed with it in mind. It's only got 8GB of RAM, but I've been assured that with the new chips, that is plenty for what I want to be able to do. I checked and I do not have the "enable background tasks" button checked. It's already off. I will ask about being able to upload a copy of the template, and will do so if the person I got it from is ok with it.

    Thanks for the link to the video. It has a lot of good starting information, but unless I missed something somewhere, it doesn't talk about installation procedures.

    For what it's worth, I am able to open other graphics files created from the templates in question. And then I can just edit those for what I need, by erasing what's already been drawn and starting over. But that's not ideal... (But it's a decent workaround for now.)

    Thanks again!


    Donald Winiecki

    Thank you for your patience Christina! We're still researching the issue. (You're correct. Troubleshooting support for CorelDRAW on the Mac is pretty thin out there!)

    Donald Winiecki

    Christina, we are searching widely for answers to your question and will get back with you with advice as soon as we have vetted it.

    Christina Conroy

    Thanks Donald! I’m figuring out how to work with it. It appears that if I open a graphics page from someone else (a completed graphic on a template), I can just delete everything and the template remains and I start over. Works well enough for now! But any other resources are fantastic!

    Donald Winiecki

    Workarounds are essential in any give production process! Thank you for your earnest, ingenuity, and patience.

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