Connect With Us In May!

You may have seen a post last month introducing a new member service that we thought might be helpful now more than ever. In April we launched the Transcribers Connect event series allowing NBA Members to join in a virtual discussion with one another.

The first Transcribers Connect was well attended so we’ve been brainstorming ways to continue making those connections.

We thought this month that we would schedule a couple events and let you know well in advance what days we’d be “meeting up”.


As you’ll read in this post, the idea behind Transcribers Connect is simply to offer a platform where we can casually network with other NBA Members. These chats aren’t intended to provide instruction or technical support, but rather just a fun hour to be social with your peers.

There is no cost, no registration required, and no obligation to even chat. Some share their webcams, some just use a microphone, a couple people just joined in and listened.

While many transcribers have always worked from home, the concept is new for many of us. Even still, for those that have always worked from home, quarantine measures throughout the country have kept many of us from socializing or interacting with others. The idea here is just simply to spend some casual time interacting with our peers.

How To Join

To join in, login to your member account and navigate to your “My Account” page and scroll down to the Transcribers Connect section. There you’ll find the dates and join buttons for each of the chats scheduled in the month of May.

Join us on Thursday, May 7th at 2:30p ET or on Tuesday, May 26th at 1:00p ET–or both!