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Announcing New NBA Publications!

By Chris Clemens | February 24, 2016

With the transition to Unified English Braille that took place earlier this year, we strongly feel that relaying instruction about how to produce consistently high quality accessible materials in UEB is imperative to promoting braille literacy.  We are pleased to announce that we’ve recently made a number of new publications available exclusively in the online National Braille Association store! Here’s our newest titles: In Pursuit Of Wayward Dots Written and presented by NBA’s Tactile Graphics Committee Chair, Betty Marshall, much of the material in this publication was most recently presented at our Fall Professional Development Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Betty covers a number of essential methods…

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Winter Bulletin 2015-2016

By Chris Clemens | February 5, 2016

We are pleased to present to all current National Braille Association members the latest edition of our professional journal. The winter edition Bulletin, Volume 51, Number 4 is now available in the Members Section of our website and waiting to be downloaded! In this edition you’ll find articles like “BANA WORD Template: What, Where and How”, “What are Dot Locators” and “Numbers and Number Combinations in Foreign Text”, among others. As always, our BANA representative includes some important BANA news and you can read a wrap-up of our Fall Professional Development Conference that took place in Louisville this last October. Of course,…

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How To Login

By Chris Clemens | January 11, 2016

One of the things that is exciting about our new website is the fact that you will no longer have multiple logins to interact with our site. Remember how you had one for Ask An Expert and for conference registration and for the store?? Now, you’ll only need one! Here’s how to get your login for the new National Braille Association website.   We already had email addresses on file for many of you, so we’ve created logins for you based on your email address. To get your password for the login we’ve created, simply go to the ‘Login’ link…

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New Year. New Forum.

By Chris Clemens | January 4, 2016

We’ve been talking now for a while about the upcoming unveiling of our entirely brand-new, redesigned website and the time has finally come for you to begin using it with us! We’ve been working tirelessly for most of 2015 with Erion Media of Rochester, New York to create a smooth user experience. Creating a website like ours is a bit more complicated than just having some pages with information to view. Backend databases need to know whether or not you’re a current member and what kind of access to provide you to the website. Instead of multiple logins to interact…

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